About the project
Find out why we do it and key information about the project.
About the project
The broad priority of R-HOME project is to contribute in fighting against Roma discrimination with a twofold objective:
Housing, one of the fundamental rights as stated by international law, has been identified as key issue of the project as living in inadequate housing conditions in marginalized areas leads to severe problems in other aspects of life, such as education, employment and health. Overall, poor housing conditions has a negative impact on their integration in society.
It is necessary to find solutions to close the gap between Roma people and the rest of the population as regard to access to healthy and safe housing and to public utilities such as water, electricity and gas.
In order to have an impact on such a broad goal, project activities are aimed at improving the knowledge on Roma people housing conditions and housing policies concerning Roma in partner countries, through a theoretical point of view, but also listening to Roma people experiences and opinions.
In fact the issue has multiple dimensions as it concerns local and national policies and involves not only citizens’ opinions and prejudices, but also the capacity of Roma people of becoming active in the political and civil life.
Despite the importance of an involvement of Roma communities in society, Roma groups face difficulties in developing pathways of empowerment.
Empowerment and participation is the most effective way to play an active role in society; in fact Roma are often the addressees of laws and politics made by non-Roma people. Only in few cases Roma are elected in local government and even more rarely in national government.
Empowerment is particularly crucial for young people and women: women undergo multiple discriminations and their improved conditions can bring positive effects both on the whole family and on the community, while young people represent the future and are key to break the vicious cycle of intergenerational poverty and discrimination.
Funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)
Topic: REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2018 - Call for proposals to support national or transnational projects on non-discrimination and Roma integration
Grant Agreement number: 849199
DURATION: 30 months
START DATE: 01/10/2019
END DATE: 31/03/2022
For more info about the project: europa@caritasambrosiana.it
Co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)
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