Trapped in a hovel? Roma Housing Discrimination and Deprivation in European Cities.

This research report presents the main findings of a qualitative survey on the problems of access to adequate housing for people who identify themselves as Roma.The survey is based on 128 qualitative in-depth interviews and 10 focus groups. 101 in-depth interviews were conducted with Roma living in difficult, deprived and segregated contexts. 27 interviews were …

Trapped in a hovel? Roma Housing Discrimination and Deprivation in European Cities. Leggi altro »


Watch the five short interviews with Roma people around Europe: Meet Liliana in France Meet László in Hungary Meet Alex in Romania Meet Agustìn in Spain Meet Aureo in Italy Watch the documentary featuring five Roma families talking about their life, aspirations, housing and empowerment: with English subtitles with French subtitles with Italian subtitles with …


visit paris

Projects and institutions in the Paris region

Agence Immobilière Sociale Caritas A non-profit real estate agency founded by Sécours Catholique, a well-known and rooted non-profit organization in France. Sector: PrivateMain Areas Covered: HousingTarget Group: Vulnerable people facing housing problemsStakeholders: Municipalities, private foundations, private insurance companies, private house owners Find out more here DIHAL Délégation Interministérielle à l’Hébergement et à l’Accès au Logement …

Projects and institutions in the Paris region Leggi altro »