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​​​Privacy Policy

​The website privacy policy                                                  

​​​Privacy Policy

​Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation based in Milan, Via San Bernardino, 4 is the Data Controller of the personal data collected on this site pursuant to and for the purposes of the Privacy Code.
In accordance with the commitment and care that Caritas Ambrosiana dedicates to the protection of personal data, we inform you about the methods, purposes and scope of communication and dissemination of your personal data and your rights, in accordance with art. 91 of EU Regulation 2016/679, according to which the processing of these data is subject to the General Decree of the CEI "Provisions for the protection of the right to good fame and confidentiality of data relating to the persons of the faithful, ecclesiastical entities and aggregations lay ”of May 24, 2018

To offer you the personalized services provided by its websites, Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation, as Data Controller, must process some identification data necessary for the provision of the services.

a) Navigation data
During their normal operation, the IT systems and the technical and software procedures underlying the operation of this website acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the operating mechanisms and protocols in use on the Internet.

Every time the user accesses this site and every time he calls or requests content, the access data are stored on our systems and potentially also by the data controller and by the data processors, in the form of tabular data files o linear (within specific log files), structured and / or unstructured.

Each data storage line is composed of information such as:
- The website from which our page was called (so-called "referral");
- Your IP address;
- The date and time of the request or access;
- The request itself by your browser or other client, in the form of addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation;
- The technical code of the http response obtained from the server (error, success, etc.);
- The amount of data transmitted;
- The browser, its technical and functional characteristics and the operating system used.

This data may be used by the Data Controller for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site in order to identify the pages preferred by users and therefore provide increasingly adequate content and to check its correct functioning. At the request of the Authority, the data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site or its users.

b) Data provided voluntarily by the user

At various points on this site you have the possibility to send us personal data (e.g. e-mail address, name, postal code, other personal and non-personal data). The sending of these data takes place on an optional, explicit and voluntary basis, and involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's email address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data entered for the purposes of the service and those further from you granted.
Taking into account the provisions of art. 91 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the processing of these data is subject to the General Decree of the CEI "Provisions for the protection of the right to good fame and confidentiality of data relating to the persons of the faithful, ecclesiastical entities and lay associations" of May 24, 2018.
Pursuant to articles 6 and 7 of the CEI General Decree, it is specified that:
a) the data controller is the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation, Via San Bernardino, 4 - Milan - CF 01704670155;
b) to contact the data controller, the email can be used: privacy@caritasambrosiana.it;
c) the data provided by the interested party will be processed only to organize the requested service;
d) the data provided by the interested party will not be transferred to third parties, but may be processed by them for instrumental purposes (e.g. printing labels, mailing ...) the data provided will be kept for the time necessary to manage the organization of the activities referred to in lett. c);
e) the interested party can ask Caritas Ambrosiana for access to personal data, rectification or cancellation of the same, limitation of treatment or can object to their treatment by writing to privacy@caritasambrosiana.it or by calling in office hours;
f) the interested party may also lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
The personal data you provide will be recorded and stored on protected electronic media and processed with adequate security measures, including by associating and integrating them with other DataBases.

In accordance with current legislation, we will therefore ask you to express your consent for data processing by ticking the "I accept" box in our registration forms. To better protect your data, even for those strictly necessary for the operations and services requested by you, we request an explicit compulsory acceptance (even if formally not necessary) of our privacy policy.
Obligation is essential to be able to provide the services requested by you.

Only with your express consent can the data be used to carry out statistical analyzes, market surveys and sending information on the promotional initiatives of the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation.
Communications for market surveys or promotional information may be made by postal mailing, email, telemarketing, sms, mms.
The data may also be used for profiling purposes which can be carried out by means of a) processing, in an automated way, of the personal data of authenticated users in relation to the use of the service for the forwarding and reception of e-mail messages; b) crossing of personal data collected in relation to the supply and related use of several different functions among those made available by the user; c) use of other identifiers necessary to trace specific, identified or identifiable subjects to specific recurring actions or behavioral patterns in the use of the features offered.
In accordance with current legislation, we will therefore ask you to express your consent for data processing by ticking the "I accept" box in the Promotional Privacy Policy field in our registration forms. This field is optional in order to allow you to accept or not the sending of promotional messages.

Types of cookies

This site uses four different types of cookies:

1. Essential technical cookies
These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site. They allow the navigation of the pages, the sharing of our contents, the storage of your access credentials to speed up entry to the site and to keep your preferences and credentials active while browsing. Without these cookies we could not provide the services for which users access the site.

2. Statistical and performance cookies
These cookies allow us to know how visitors use the site, in order to be able to evaluate and improve its functioning and to privilege the production of content that best meets the information needs of our users. For example, they let you know which pages are the most and least frequented. They take into account, among other things, the number of visitors, the time spent on the site by the average user and how they arrive. In this way, we can know what works well and what to improve, as well as making sure that the pages load quickly and are displayed correctly. All information collected by these cookies is anonymous and not linked to the user's personal data. To perform these functions on our sites, we use third-party services that anonymize the data, making it not attributable to individuals (so-called "single-in"). Where services are not fully anonymised, you will find them listed among the third-party cookies for which it is possible to deny consent, to guarantee your privacy.

3. Cookies for user profiling and advertising targeting
These cookies allow us to offer advertisements relating to the user and their respective interests. They are also used to limit the number of views of the same ad and to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
They are inserted by the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation through partner technical platforms of our advertising circuit and contribute to our investment in websites, allowing us to adequately finance the maintenance of services and their technological evolution. They can also be used to show you relevant ads on other websites you visit.
The cookies actually set can change from one moment to the next due to the technical strategies of the advertisers and their technical representatives, therefore, instead of listing them, we indicate the corresponding companies authorized to provide advertising on our sites.

4. Functional and third-party profiling cookies
This category includes both cookies supplied by partner partners of the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation and known to it, and cookies provided by third parties not directly controlled or controllable by the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation.
Cookies from our partners allow us to offer advanced features, as well as more information and personal functions. This includes the possibility to share content through social networks, to access videostreaming services and CDN networks on which we host our content. These services are mainly provided by external operators hired or consciously integrated by the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation. If you have an account or use the services of these subjects on other websites, they may be able to know that the user has visited our sites. The use of the data collected by these external operators through cookies is subject to the respective privacy policies and therefore these cookies are identified with the names of the respective subjects reported in the cookie management tool available in the appropriate section of this Policy. These include the cookies registered by the main social networks that allow you to share the articles on our sites and to publicly express your appreciation for our work.
Cookies not coming from partners of the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation, are cookies conveyed without the control of the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation, by third parties who have the opportunity to intercept the user during his navigation even outside the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation sites. These cookies, typically profiling, are not directly controllable by the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation which therefore cannot guarantee the use that the third party owners make of the information collected.

Management of cookies

In the event that you have doubts or concerns about the use of cookies, it is always possible to intervene to prevent their setting and reading, for example by changing the privacy settings in your browser in order to block certain types or using the tool that we make available to you in this Policy.

Since each browser - and often different versions of the same browser - also differ significantly from each other if you prefer to act independently through the preferences of your browser, you can find detailed information on the necessary procedure in the guide of your browser. For an overview of the modes of action for the most common browsers, you can visit the address


Advertising companies also allow you to opt out of receiving targeted ads, if desired. This does not prevent the setting of cookies, but interrupts the use and collection of some data by these companies.

For more information and the possibility of renunciation, visit the address www.youronlinechoices.eu/it/

To simplify your choices and in compliance with current legislation, Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation provides you with a management tool for the selective activation and deactivation of cookies you dislike among those controlled or controlled by the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation.
Within the tool, all the cookies we manage or knowingly hosted are listed in categories.

Acceptance and waiver of cookies

By continuing to browse this site by closing the information strip or clicking on any part of the page or scrolling to highlight further content, you accept the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation Cookie Policy and cookies will be set and collected. In case of non-acceptance of cookies by abandoning navigation, any cookies already registered locally in your browser will remain registered there but will no longer be read or used by the Caritas Ambrosiana Foundation until a subsequent and possible acceptance of the Policy. You will always have the possibility to remove these cookies at any time through the methods referred to in the sites mentioned in the "Management of cookies" paragraph.

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Co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

The content of this presentation represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility.
The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
